INX Digital, Inc. (NMLS 2094630) maintains licenses to engage in money transmission activities in many US states and territories, and these licenses may impact our provision and your use of certain INX Digital Services depending on where you live. For questions or complaints about INX Digital, contact the state regulatory agencies identified below or the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at (855) 411-2372, (855) 729-2372 (TTY/TDD) or www.consumerfinance.gov.

Current Permitted U.S. States and Territories

Residents of the following U.S. jurisdictions are permitted to open an account with INX Digital

State Money Transmitter License Number (if applicable) State Agency
Alabama 857 Alabama Securities Commission RSA Dexter Avenue Building 445 Dexter Avenue, Suite 1200 Montgomery, AL 36104
Alaska AKMT-015330 Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development Division of Banking & Securities 550 West 7th AVE, Suite 1535 Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Arizona  1023645 Arizona Department of Financial Institutions 100 North 15th Avenue, Suite 261 Phoenix, AZ, 85007
Arkansas 122492 Arkansas Securities Department
Heritage West Building, Suite 300
201 East Markham Street
Little Rock, AR 72201-1692
Colorado 500252 Colorado Division of Banking 1560 Broadway, Suite 975 Denver, CO 80202
Connecticut MT-2094630 Connecticut Department of Banking 260 Constitution Plaza Hartford, CT 06103-1800


Office of the State Bank Commissioner 1110 Forrest Avenue Dover Dover, DE 19904
Florida FT230000358 Florida Office of Financial Regulation 101 E. Gaines Street Tallahassee, FL 32399
Georgia 2094630 Georgia Department of Banking and FinanceNon-Depository Financial Institutions Division2990 Brandywine Road, Suite 200Atlanta, GA 30341-5565
Idaho MTL-300 Idaho Department of Finance, Securities Bureau 800 Park Boulevard, Suite 200 Boise, ID 83720-0031
Illinois MT.0000419 Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation 320 West Washington Street Springfield, IL 62786
Iowa  2021-0077 State of Iowa Division of Banking 200 E. Grand Avenue, Suite 300 Des Moines, IA 50309
Kansas MT.0000208 Kansas Office of the State Bank Commissioner 700 SW Jackson Street, Suite 300 Topeka, KS 66603
Kentucky SC746844 Kentucky Department of Financial Institutions Division of Non-Depository Institutions Mail Stop 2 SW 19 500 Mero St. Frankfort, KY 40601
Louisiana  2094630 

Louisiana Office of Financial Institutions Post Office Box 94095 Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095

*If you have a complaint, please contact  INX Digital, Inc., phone number: 301-978-3068, Email Address:support@inx.co .If you still have an unresolved complaint regarding INX Digital, Inc. money transmission activity, you may file it online with the Office of Financial Institutions at http://www.ofi.state.la.us/

Virtual Currency Disclosure
Please note the license issued to INX Digital, Inc. by the Louisiana Office of Financial Institutions does not cover the exchange or transmission of virtual currency.

(Included in money transmitter license approval conditions in 2023.)

Maine   Department of Professional & Financial Regulation Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection 35 State House Station Augusta, Maine 04333
Maryland 12-2094630 The Commissioner of Financial Regulation for the State of Maryland will accept all questions or complaints from Maryland residents regarding INX Digital, Inc. (NMLS ID 2094630) at Maryland Commissioner of Financial Regulation, 1100 North Eutaw Street, Suite 611, Baltimore, MD 21201, or by phone at (410) 230-6100 or toll free at (888) 784-0136. The NMLS Consumer Access website is: https://www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org/
Michigan   Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services Consumer Finance Section 530 W. Allegan Street, 7th Floor Lansing, MI 48933
Minnesota MN-MT-2094630 Minnesota Department of Commerce and Financial Institutions Division 85 7th Place East Suite 280 St. Paul, MN 55101
Mississippi  2094630 Mississippi Department of Banking and Consumer Finance Post Office Box 12129 Jackson, MS 39236
Missouri   Missouri Division of Finance PO Box 716 301 W High St Jefferson City, MO 65102
Nebraska   Nebraska Department of Banking & Finance 1526 K Street, Suite 300 P.O. Box 95006 Lincoln, NE 68508-2732
Nevada MT11216 Nevada Financial Institutions Division 1830 College Parkway, Ste. 100 Carson City, NV 89706
New Hampshire 24116-MT New Hampshire Banking Department 53 Regional Drive, Suite 200 Concord, NH 03301
New Jersey  2104823 C22 New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance 20 West State Street, PO Box 325 Trenton, NJ 08625
New Mexico 2094630 New Mexico Financial Institutions Division Money Services Business Unit 2550 Cerrillos Road, 3rd Floor PO Box 25101 (87504) Santa Fe, NM 87505
North Carolina 204259 North Carolina Commissioner of Banks 316 W. Edenton Street Raleigh, NC 27603
North Dakota MT 103856 North Dakota Department of Financial Institutions 1200 Memorial Highway Bismarck, ND 58504
Ohio OHMT247 Ohio Department of Commerce
Division of Financial Institutions
77 South High St., 21st Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215
Oklahoma   Oklahoma Banking Department 2900 North Lincoln Boulevard Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Oregon 2094630 Oregon Division of Financial Regulation Licensing Section 350 Winter St., NE Room 410 Salem, OR 97301
Pennsylvania   Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities
17 North Second Street, Suite 1300
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101
Puerto Rico MT-127 Office of the Commissioner of Financial Institutions 1492 Ponce de León Avenue, Suite 600 Centro Europa Building San Juan, PR 00907
Rhode Island 20224454CT Department of Business Regulation 1511 Pontiac Ave Cranston, RI 02920
South Carolina 2094630 Office of the Attorney General Money Services Division 10000 Assembly Street Columbia, SC 29201
South Dakota MT.2221 South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation Division of Banking 1601 N. Harrison Avenue, Suite 1 Pierre, South Dakota 57501
Tennessee 2094630 Please note that this license and the required surety bond do not cover the transmission of virtual currency. INX Digital Inc. is licensed by the Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions as a money transmitter. The Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions does not regulate virtual currency.
Texas 3539 State agency: Texas Department of Banking 2601 N. Lamar Blvd Austin, Texas 78705
Utah   Utah Department of Financial Institutions 324 S. State Street #201 Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Vermont MT-2094630 Vermont Department of Financial Regulation 89 Main Street Montpelier, VT 05620
Virginia MO-431  
Washington, D.C.  MTR2094630  
Washington MT-134849-550 State of Washington – Department of Financial Institutions Division of Consumer Services 150 Israel Road, S.W. Tumwater, WA 98501
West Virginia WVMT-2094630  

* Please note that this license does not cover the transmission of virtual currency

U.S. States Not Currently Permitted

We are working hard with authorities to obtain the necessary licenses and approvals to engage in money transmission services in additional U.S. jurisdictions. At this time, residents of the following jurisdictions are not currently permitted to open an account with INX Digital. American Samoa, Guam, New York, U.S. Virgin Islands.

Jurisdiction-Specific Disclosures

As we add jurisdictions in which INX Digital accountholders can reside, we will provide additional required disclosures and other important information as applicable